Customer Reviews for Pop-Arty Beads

159 Reviews
  • 5 Star 86.00% of all ratings 137
  • 4 Star 9.00% of all ratings 15
  • 3 Star 3.00% of all ratings 5
  • 2 Star 1.00% of all ratings 1
  • 1 Star 1.00% of all ratings 1
Write a Review
January 04, 2012
We always count on you - quality products not available just anywhere, very age appropriate, and the best service. Thank you!
January 04, 2012
My granddaughter loved this and is making necklaces for everyone!
January 04, 2012
We got these beads for my 3-year-old daughter for Christmas, and they are a big hit! So much so that my 6-year-old son really enjoys playing with them, too. They're easy to snap together and are very versatile; not only have we made lots of 'jewelry' but also people, animals, and other designs out of the beads.
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